Friday, February 26, 2010

Color On the Couch


  1. For the first picture I used a blue tone to create a energetic feeling. It's more of a light bright blue which makes the feeling of movement with the people. I like the contrast of the trees and grass to the blue snow.

    The second one is of a tree that had this weird yellow color on it. I thought it looked cool and represented a extatic feeling. The color really made the picture in this one.

    The flower is clique but I like the angle on it and the colors are so bright. It makes a happy feeling and it almost feels like it's summer. I like the white background because it makes the pinks and yellows pop out.

    The picture of the sky represents a really warm feeling with the warm yellows and blues. The sunset in the background makes the picture feel alive and interesting.

    I used the last picture as my "Yellow Wallpaper" picture because the women in the story is insane and goes crazy because of this wall paper. The red represents the anger she has in the story and the lines below it show confusion to what she really believes.
